Lessons learned from Vancouver's Mpowerment Project.
An audio-slideshow presentation featuring the coordinators of Mpowerment YVR - Vancouver BC.
Click here for the audio-slidehsow
Best practices featured:
1:47 What is incremental engagement?
6:22 Who are the Millennials?
7:49 Who are the Gay Millennials?
12:56 Spaces available for gay men today. Grindr and gay bars.
14:23 What the Mpowerment Project means to young adult gay men? A brainstorm and word-cloud.
15:20 How does Mpowerment create connection and acceptance?
18:39 How MpowermentYVR consciously creates a space with defined values.
22:36 Enhancing the community ripple. Guiding Principle: the diffusion of innovation.
32:09 Peer education and young adult gay men.
37:52 The Excuses: Not engaging young adult gay men?
40:39 The Excuses: Not using social media?
42:26 When to use what platform when? Facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr
45:43 From online engagement to real-world action
49:04 Lessons learned in implementation
Find MpowermentYVR:
t @MpowermentYVR
MpowermentYVR is a project of YouthCO